MATRIXSYNTH: The Mighty Logan Vocal Synthesizer

Sunday, March 12, 2006

The Mighty Logan Vocal Synthesizer

Shot pulled from this auction. Description pulled below. If you know more feel free to comment.

"Logan Vocal Synthesizer is fully working. Was stored 25 years in heated room."


  1. wow, beautiful . According to Synrise,this baby has 7 voice polyphony and is with 35 kg
    quite a heavyweight. They also made a smaller version called Vocalist (no, not the Digitech ;-)

    Logan was another italian synth manufacturer and probably best known for its string ensembles . Italy is often underrated when it comes to synth credits imo, but actually the first european analog synth that hit the market in 72, came from Italy: the Davolisint from Parma based manufacturer Davoli.


  2. Hi
    I'm very interested in purchasing a fully operational Logan Vocalist. Is this one for sale?



  3. It was up for auction. I think I saw one on Ebay recently. But if you are asking if I have one for sale or can help you find one, then no, I just post what I see. None of what you see on this site is actually mine.

  4. Hello,
    I own a Logan Vocalist, but sadly, it´s dead. I´m in need of the service manuals, schematics, or any other piece of information that could help me bring it back to life. I couldn´t find anything about it browsing the net, except a few people who used it, end others who want it.
    If I could make it work again, I´ll gladly make a site about it, with pictures and sound samples. i think that would be of interest for many people.
    Thanks in advance for any contribution.


    1. i there, nice to meet you
      is your logan vocalist could be on sell ?
      Thanks for contact me in case of ( )

  5. Hi Felini. Try the Analog Heaven list. I'm sure someone can help you there. You can find out how to subscribe here. Good luck and definitely shoot me an email if you end up putting something up.


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