MATRIXSYNTH: Z4 Music and Griff - Pocket Samplers

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Z4 Music and Griff - Pocket Samplers


Z4 Music

Kirk emailed me asking if I knew of any IPod sized samplers. The smallest hardware sampler that came to mind was the Yamaha SU10. I then remembered there was Griff for the Pocket PC and possibly others. I did a quick search for Kirk and found Z4 Music and Griff. There is also my favorite Sequencing software, MiniMusic for the Palm with SynthPad. Finally there's the M-Audio MicroTrack and the Edirol R-1 and R-09, but I beleive they are more straight audio recording devices rather than samplers. I figured I'd put up a post for others as well. If you know of any other IPod sized samplers, feel free to comment.

Update: A couple more:
Via the comments: The Roland MS-1
Via Kirk: The Boss SP-202.

Update via David Kristian in the comments:
"Chocopoolp also makes some decent Palm OS apps, including Bhajis Loops, which combines sampling, sequencing and effects."


  1. I know Roland had one around the time of Yamaha's SU10, MS-1 or something like that. Not much to it, similar to the SU without the filters or the ribbon

  2. Chocopoolp also makes some decent Palm OS apps, including Bhajis Loops, which combines sampling, sequencing and effects.


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