Remember Doctor Bombay? He's looking at making a new video that will feature plenty of vintage synths and he's looking for feedback as well as taking requests.
"I've got a fairly large collection of vintage synths- probably around fifty or so. My partner in the Doctor Bombay project is currently the keyboard player in a well known classic rock band. Once I know it's cool I'll let you know his name.
We are planning to do another video. That's why I want to get as much feedback as possible on this one and see what people might be interested in seeing. We're looking at some Blood,Sweat and Tears remakes-anything cool from the late 60's and 70's. We will feature many more synths on the next one also. I wonder if you posted a question as to what song your readers would like to hear next if we would get any response?"
Feel free to post in the comments.
Synths spotted in the last video: Yamaha CS60, Moog Polymoog, ARP Quadra, Oberheim Four Voice, ARP Odyssey and ARP Pro DGX.
Their video was very 'euro' and 'cheezy'. Looked like a Max/MSP Jitter type video as far as effects.
ReplyDeleteI didn't think it was that professional.
Probably about as good as I could do. heh heh :)
what people might be interested in seeing
ReplyDeleteFirst off, a studio show and tell! perhabs a long one and then some electro music written by Doctor Bombay himself...
We're all synth geeks here after all, I highly doubt anyone would ask for a poor cover of Dark Side Of The Moon unless there's an EMS on it, y'know what I mean?