MATRIXSYNTH: Michael Ford's Wiard

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Michael Ford's Wiard

Michael Ford of Metalbox. Title link takes you to more shots via Doktor Future in the comments of this post:

"This looks similar to Michal Ford's (of Metalbox) synth. May not be from him, but it's very similar. I visited him about a month ago. Shot of modular:

Full gallery: link

I got 3 racks of Metalbox in Banana from Michael Ford in July. You can see one of those racks in an earlier picture resting atop his big ass modular. Here is a funny pic of Michael finishing up the racks: link

I recommend buying from him. He's aces."

Thanks Doktor Future.


  1. such a beauitful thing!

  2. a really nice setup, and some great pics

  3. thx. The gallery has much higher rez pics too if you keep clicking. Not as high rez as the originals were (12MP), but good enough for desktop backgrounds.

    Synths are so pretty.

  4. wiards look beautiful but i dislike the jack field. It isnt very intuitive which jacks corrospond to the various parameters. to bad otherwise a kick ass modular.

  5. i believe they were constructed that way so that every panel is drilled the same by the metal shop, saves money - but as you said, not as intuitive for the user

  6. I'd still like to get some of the blue wiard but I can never get in touch with Grant, I'd like one of the original borg filters as I prefer the slower vactrols

  7. Just give the man a phonecall.


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