MATRIXSYNTH: Monolake - Imbalance Computer Music

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Monolake - Imbalance Computer Music

Monolake is a project by Ableton co-founder and software architect Robert Henke. I somehow missed this one. Create Digital Music had a post up on Monolake on July 24, and Analog Industries just put up a post on the Monodeck II by Monolake. I put up a Monodeck II post and headed over to the root of the Monolake site to check it out.

On the site you will find a number of esoteric projects including MIDI controlled light bulbs, virtual surround sound thunderstorms, cross Atlantic network live performances, the Monodeck II, and more. Too much for one post. Title link takes you there.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting stuff, a not dissimilar light piece to light bulb was made by psouper in 2002. Seee a short video here


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