MATRIXSYNTH: Oakley Modular Re-issues Limited PCBs

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Oakley Modular Re-issues Limited PCBs

"Oakley Modular are proud to announce the re-issue of a limited number of modular synthesizer PCBs designed by Tony Allgood of Oakley Sound Systems. Short production runs of these popular boards will be offered on a first come, first served basis. Depending on the popularity of this first run of boards, further PCBs from the Oakley range may be offered."

Note it's Oakley Modular and not Oakley Sound Systems. Via Oakley Sound Systems News:
"I have formed a new partnership with two individuals to allow PCBs and hopefully ready made modules to become available again.

Oakley Modular is the newly formed company that is handling all the merchandising of the modular PCBs and parts.

This week they started shipping the first batch of re-issued boards. Depending on sales, we will then look at introducing new versions of some of the obsolete modules, and perhaps some new ones too.

The new Oakley Modular website can be found here. Please note that although the website is fully functional, we still have plenty of things to add to it. We hope to update all the User Guides and give you new pictures of the new RoHS compliant PCBs and parts.


This one via Sjaak Thanks Sjaak!


  1. Also no affiliation with Phil Oakey of the Human League.

  2. Are oakley LFO's *that* different from MOTM LFO's to warrant attracting people to buy them? These PCB's are just the basic basics, and I don't see much difference between these modules and others. Bread and butter. If Oakley was more of a marketer, he'd release some 'signature' things he's done to attract folks.


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