MATRIXSYNTH: The GRP Synthesizer

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

The GRP Synthesizer

Via Antonio Tuzzi:

"Hi Matrix,

Paolo is friend of mine and he is building synth on demand: already 15 built! he has a very clean style, as you can see from the ebay A3 synth (on this ebay auction)

Is a mini style synth, but with 2 LFO, hard sync and cross modulation between the 3 oscillator and a ring modulator!

You can check his style in this other creation the 6 oscillator monster: the GRP Synthesiser"


  1. Quite impressive and absolutely superb !

    Is there a web site about GRP synthesizers ?

  2. yes I too would like to know more via a web page

  3. Hello Paolo !

    Ok, you have not yet a web site.
    But you have surely some demos mp3 of your synths, no ?
    I am very curious to hear sounds and musics made by your beautiful modulars.
    Have you also some others photos ?

    Best regards.


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