MATRIXSYNTH: Minimoog & Minimoog Voyager side by side

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Minimoog & Minimoog Voyager side by side

YouTube via hamsterdunce aka Dave of umop. Via AHNE 2007.


  1. LMFAO nice gearwire parody... keep it up Dave.

  2. taht is teh humer

  3. ha ha!

    (was cool tho how close you made them sound fairly quickly like -- i was always wondering how close they could be made to sound in 'real life')

  4. damn, dave is burnin it up on them keys! nice

    altho - still not quite at the point where i would want to invest in one of the king moog boards.. its really too bad Bob never got back into making modules again - seemed like the moogerfooger stuff was leading up to it

  5. The Mini sounded way rawer and better

  6. and where's the banjo?

  7. The modules are already there with the Moogerfoogers for the most part. I couldn't really see it being much more cost wise for Moog Music to make straight up synth modules. It seems that the only thing dividing new Moog "synth modules" from the Moogerfoogers is the Moogerfoogers are a way to consolidate the two markets, synth and guitar effects. But I believe the price point of the Voyager bears some amount of proof that the demand would be there if they were to go back into modular territory. I really do think that Moog is building up to this as well as making a nice new Moog poly-synth. I believe it's all just a matter of time.

  8. The Mini pwns the Voyager...

  9. You forget that the mini can't duplicate the Voyager. They are simply two different synths that have similar sounds, but each has its own identity.

  10. Hey everybody, I'd just like to share how much I think the Voyager is such a better synth than the original Minimoog.
    This is primarily based on the fact that the Voyager just sounds better than the Mini.
    When I listen to the Mini I see things in black and white but when I listen to the Voyager everything is suddenly revealed in a beautiful array of colors.
    All colors are included in this array as I set forth on my sonic voyage making glorius sounds.
    I own both and I purposefully use the original Mini more on all my recordings so that when I go back to the Voyager it is as though I am endlessly bathed in glorious sound.
    Also, when I write my music I turn it down so I can barely hear it. That way it makes another delicous bath of glorious sound to bathe in almost like I'm floating effortlessly by the resonance of my soul reaching a harmonious being with my chrystal collection. I wish everybody was open to all depths of the conscious realm so that we could stablize our beauty, breathe fresh breaths of air to truly preserve, harness and experience to the fullest all the things we truly love that will live longer than us only because they are truly not alive.
    To all my brothers and sisters, I wish us all to breathe by only the freshest breaths of gloriousness!!!
    Ahu Aha Aihea Ah Iha...

  11. The owner of the Moogs had an excellent point that day... you can't really even compare a (classic) Minimoog with another Minimoog, and to a lesser extent Voyager to another Voyager, truly objectively.

    Every Moog has its own heart. There's so much chaos in those chips that they're all intrinisically different.

  12. wow u took the words right out of my mouth!

    anon, you complete me!

    Ahu Aha Aihea Ah Iha

  13. And for the record, for my own part, I'd choose a Voyager among the two! As if the video didn't prove enough, I'm not entirely the most technically savvy synthesist out there, so I'd need a reliable instrument.

    I also prefer the ability to save patches I've spent all day working on, and I also like the spongier action of the newer keys.

  14. I just think the Voyager sounds - and more importantly feels newer, which I guess just states the obvious. I've played a friend's Voyager vs. my Model D, and that was my main conclusion.

    The Voyager can do extra things, the keys feel nicer, but the Mini is a more classic instrument that has a different feel all together.

    I'm not saying one is better than the other.. Frankly, I'd like to own both. On top of my Polymoog. When will Moog make a new Poly with a Vox Humana?

  15. A lot of hippies reading matrix these days it seems. ;)

  16. This video will be a classic in 20 years time LOL... Dave rawks... oh how the prices changed 3 to 4 times in different mentions. Polyphonic minimoogs, that cracked me... enjoyed it thoroughly...

  17. oops I forgot to sign out from commontones...

  18. I did the same comparison side by side when I got my real Mini. The Voyager was my first Analog Mono. I couldn't find any fault with it, it just never inspired me to program or record it. Now the Mini really inspires me to play and it sounds great in every tune.

  19. The Minimoodg is a classic, you cant say that about the Voyager now or in the future...I prefer the Minimoog raw sounds, thought I can appreciate the Voyager
    ....and dave always looks like you just caught him farting.

  20. I realllly like roger odonnell's 'truth in me' all done with a Voyager.

    But I also agree that the Mini is pure raw magic. A perfect storm of synths to be sure.


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