MATRIXSYNTH: Plan B Model 11 - Prototype Demo and First Image

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Plan B Model 11 - Prototype Demo and First Image

via REwire: "This is a demo/song using the New Plan-B Model 11 Evil Twin Bandpass Filter. I used the Prototype version and the final will be the same but a bit wider. I ran just one or two oscs, drums and some vocals all through the filter (with a bit of Reverb and Delay in my DAW). It has a 6db and 12db output that I frequently panned left and right for stereo effects. This is a Bandpass Filter that uses Vactrols (4 inside) and has controls for Frequency, Bandwidth and Resonance with CV of F and BW. When the Bandwidth is narrowed down, the resonance gets extremely crunchy and it seems to self oscillate in an erratic nature that makes it sound like all hell is going to break loose. It has a switch that patches in a second feedback mode for even more distortion, hence the "Evil Twin" reference. In my demo, I patched all sorts of LFO's, ENVs, Filter FM and hand control to twist every patch through the ringer. Can't say I've heard anything like this that wasn't coming out of a vacuum tube!"


  1. woooo hooo I am loving this :-)

  2. i heard this thing in person. it has an alien presence and exerts some form of mind control. everyone should buy it.

  3. Jesus H. Christ in a motherloving chicken basket...


  4. I'm going to get one soon. i love plan b stuff, soudns greato!

  5. i heard it over the phone, and it sounded great! is the evil twin reference perhaps to the buchla 291 + distortion as distortion = evil.

  6. the Evil Twin name is in reference to it being the Model 12's demented brother and it's use of two internal feedback paths for Resonance.

  7. Always love ReWire's stuff

  8. not a euro-rac fan, but will concede, it does sound a good way!

  9. Oooh, gnarley sounding! (I haven't used that term in ages, lol) I likes it, it gots grit.


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