MATRIXSYNTH: The Electronic Arts Foundation

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

The Electronic Arts Foundation

"The Electronic Arts Foundation was started by Tom Rhea, David VanKoevering, and Les Trubey (my father) to promote electronic music and preserve historical electronic musical instruments.

What follows is the text of an article written by Tom Rhea in 1976 for Contemporary Keyboard magazine. Reprints of this article were included in an info package with each synthesizer sold.

Tom Rhea is the president of the Electronic Arts Foundation, has done extensive work as an electronic music clinician, and has served as a synthesizer consultant to keyboard players such as CK Advisory Board member Keith Emerson. Rhea has a Ph.D. in music from the George Peabody College, in Nashville, Tennessee, with The Evolution Of Electronic Musical Instruments In The United States as his dissertation topic. Tom is also a member of MENC (Music Educators National Conference) and the Audio Engineering Society, and has written instruction manuals for Moog Music's performance oriented synthesizer line."

link to full article


  1. Ahhhh Dr. Rhea. One of my favorite teachers at berklee. I suggest googling Tom Rhea and Trautonium. There's a great NPR interview with him where he discusses the instrument a bit.

  2. Some of this collection (most of it) was burned down in a house fire at Tom Rhea's I believe. Luckily, some of it survived and was donated to the Audities Foundation, which now does a similar historical/preservational function!


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