MATRIXSYNTH: Waldorf Microwave Editor for Macintosh

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Waldorf Microwave Editor for Macintosh

click here for editors for both the Waldorf Microwave and Microwave II.

Click the image for the full size shot. Note the Wave Control Table Editor. "Dead Beef?"


  1. 0xDEADBEEF means that the wavetable data is of the "Speech Robot" type where you'd use some old Atari ST program to take a text string and turn it into an awesomely crude synthesized speech table that would generate phonemes sort of resembling the original phrase.

    This feature was broken in the Microwave II and beyond... too bad!

    I might finally be selling my old Microwave 1 soon. It's an awesome instrument, but my tastes have shifted away from oldschool MIDI racks.

  2. Hmm. Not sure bout that significance. In general computer programming, 0xdeadbeef is used a lot to fill memory before user programs touch it. So, when you do a hex dump, and see

    deadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeef ...

    you know that your nice little program hasn't initialized it to something more likely like

    000000000000000000000000 ...


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