Thursday, February 21, 2008

Allen Strange RIP

Sad news in via vgermuse:

"I just received an email letting me know that Allen Strange passed away yesterday in Seattle. What a deep loss on so many fronts."

You might remember that Allen Strange recently had to cancel a performance in the Seattle area due to illness. If you do not know who Allen Strange is and his impact to the world of synthesizers, read this short bio (source of image and excerpt below) and then take a look at these previous posts; be sure to check out all the links to more info. He was a pioneer of electronic music and wrote a number of books on the subject. This is a sad day.

The following is a brief excerpt of his accomplishments:
"He received two grants from the San Jose State University Foundation (1969 and 1974) for research into electronic music and in 1970 became professor of music and director of the electronic music studios at the university. In 1973 he attended Chowning's music seminar at Stanford University Artificial Intelligence Center. Strange is one of the leading authorities on analogue electronic music; his Electronic Music: Systems, Techniques, and Controls (1972) is now a classic text. He also wrote Programming and Meta-Programming the Electro-Organism (1974), the operations manual for the Buchla Music Easel and has documented the 200 Series synthesizers made by Buchla. He co-founded two performance groups, Biome (1967--72), in order to make use of the EMS Synthi, and, with Buchla in 1974, the Electronic Weasel Ensemble. He was president of the International Computer Music Association (1993--8) and has appeared as a guest artist-lecturer throughout the world. With his wife, Patricia, they have recently published The Contemporary Violin: Extended Performance Techniques."

Update via Robin in the comments:
"From the Family of Allen Strange.

Just wanted to thank you all for your kind words. Allen will always be remembered as a loving father, husband and musician. There will be a memorial reception at the Bainbridge Island Music Guild on March 1st at 4 pm. Directions and information can be found at We are also planning a life celebration for Allen in the Bay Area of California in the next few months, I will be sure to post that info when it gets planned."

Update via the comments:
"The Family of Allen Strange is having a memorial celebration in San Jose on September 13. For more information please see: and if you plan on attending please RSVP at

-Robin Strange"


  1. Sad.

    silver lining:
    God's Buchla will finally be patched correctly.
    let the thunder roll

    Godspeed, Allen.
    Thanks for everything.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. sad to hear ... i will crank up all my buchlas ..and let them sing for him goodby allen

  4. I received the news at a rehearsal last night. Where we were rehearsing two of Allen's new works.

    Very sad day.

  5. Man, that's a bummer. I grew up on his books (both editions). RIP

  6. very sad. a genius.

    Listen to a live Biome Recording here and think of Al.

  7. Wow. I heard he was ill, but...

    Godspeed, Allen.

  8. damn, just called a few weeks ago...RIP

  9. I heard of this early this morning.. it's really horrible news.

    I've met Allen in 1976. He was such a great guy and a great composer who carried a lot of respect on both sides of the academic vortex.

    Fuck..this was one we could have done without.

  10. I had the joy of interviewing Dr. Strange in 1999 about Just Intonation and synthesis

    Keep it 1/1!

    Patrick Pagano
    University of Florida

  11. Allen Strange, my thesis advisor, mentor, and friend. Allen was the best teacher one could have. He was so encouraging and introduced me to Don, so I could spend all my money on a Buchla. Allen, Don, Pat, Mort and others in the Electric Weasel Ensemble played in my Santa Cruz Electronic Music Festivals (1982, 1983). I will miss him as I do my other great composer friend, Richard Zvonar.

  12. From the Family of Allen Strange.

    Just wanted to thank you all for your kind words. Allen will always be remembered as a loving father, husband and musician. There will be a memorial reception at the Bainbridge Island Music Guild on March 1st at 4 pm. Directions and information can be found at We are also planning a life celebration for Allen in the Bay Area of California in the next few months, I will be sure to post that info when it gets planned.

  13. I was shocked to find out Allen passed away. I studied with Allen for a couple of years at SJSU and privately at his home when he lived here in Los Gatos, CA. He was a wonderful composer who explored the limits of electronic music and taught me to do the same. I'm sorry I was not able to see him at his recent concert here in San Jose. I talked to him on the phone about it, but was unable to make the concert.

    He was much too young to pass and he will be clearly missed by all of us.

    Please keep us informed of the upcoming life celebration.

  14. Not sure if anyone is still reading this post. The Family of Allen Strange is having a memorial celebration in San Jose on September 13. For more information please see: and if you plan on attending please RSVP at

    -Robin Strange


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