MATRIXSYNTH: Equinoxe Part 7 - extended cover - in stereo!

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Equinoxe Part 7 - extended cover - in stereo!

YouTube via rfoshaug.

KORG M3. I found this one posted on Jean Michel Jarre's blog. He liked this cover and encouraged others to make covers as well.
"Equinoxe 7. Original music composed by Jean Michel Jarre.

Copyright recordings and music reproduced by kind permission of Francis Dreyfus Music and Jean Michel Jarre.

My cover version of Equinoxe 7 starts out as a regular cover - ie. not an exact replica (I generally like to make my own versions) but it follows the concept of the original song quite closely.

But then - about 6:20 into the video - I do a little improvisation based on the nice "Equinoxe groove" that's going on at that moment. A Jarre-trained ear might hear a hint of Jarre's "Arpegiator" from Concerts in China in there. Luckily for you, YouTube has a max limit of 10 minutes per video, because I could go on like that forever. :-)

The left part of the M3's keyboard has been transposed 3 semitones up to allow me to play it in A minor (while the song is actually in C minor). This eliminates the need for pressing any black keys during the sweeps over the keyboard and makes it easier to play that part live. Those sweeps are not exactly as the original song, but close enough. I really wanted to play those live, so I've taken a few artistic liberites. :-)

By converting the video to .flv format before uploading, I was able to keep the stereo sound of the recording.

Arranging and playing this "special edition" of Equinoxe 7 was great fun, and I hope you'll have some fun watching it as well. :-)

An MP3 file with this cover can be found here:"

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