Friday, January 16, 2009

MOTU Volta Done with Max/MSP

via wetterberg on Muff's Modules and More (Muff Wiggler)

"Alright, so this has been the holy grail for me in terms of modular synth+computer integration, and I had all but given up:

my fa-101 has DC blocking capacitors (and I'm not overly keen on hacking it wink ) and my 828mk1 had been bricked by horrible drivers...

I had even started looking into weird OSC->CV solutions, and had cash in hand, ready to buy the Kenton Pro 2000, which is expensive, and still only runs at midi resolution.

Well, now things have changed! I magically got the 828mk1 to WORK and I speedily set up a test rig to see what I could get out of the unit.

IT WORKS! Oh my GAWD this is so cool! I have a 4-way step sequencer, a fully synced ADSR and an LFO modulating an LFO, coming out of 5 different outputs, and as far as I can tell the voltage is REALLY high - good enough to do proper pitch scaling and so on - this RULES! It also happily generates trigger outputs, although I am going to build a trigger interface instead.

So - what does it sound like?
(sorry for the crummy recording, weird interference on my recorder... wasn't there when monitoring directly, grumble)

What's going on?
the patch is 110 VCO->116 waveform processor->106-1 Xtreme filter

Computer is step sequencing PWM, clipping and symmetry CV and filter cutoff. Not too fancy, just enough for me to play around. Manually adjusting resonance and levels. adsr is going to the filter (yes, that's right, I'm not using an adsr in my modular!) and the lfo-modulated-lfo is controlling the filter as well. both lfos are sinewaves, and going into audio range is so damned easy.

The sequencer patch was just thrown together quickly - every 8 bars all 4 8-step sequencers are randomly set. But the results are surprisingly funky, if you ask me. I'm looking forward to attempting something sequenced on my Lemur! eek!
What does it look like?"

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