MATRIXSYNTH: Tom Oberheim SEM Patch Panel Model

Saturday, August 08, 2009

Tom Oberheim SEM Patch Panel Model

bottom for comparison:
MIDI in & MIDI to CV routing panel

click on each for the full size shot

Update: locked comments in this post to them all in one place here.


  1. Now all we need is a 4/8 voice Midi/CV...

  2. Is this going to have linear FM inputs? The Ext. Mod in should be for FM. Any word on this?

  3. Just new informations from Tom himself :

    The SEM comes in three versions:
    - version 1: SEM analog module with Midi to CV converter for modern Midi-based systems
    - version 2: SEM analog module with patchpanel for systems which can supply an appropriate control voltage and gate or trigger signal
    - version 3: SEM module alone, without case, power supply or interface module. The purpose of the version 3 SEM is really just to replace old SEMs in old Oberheims. I do not recommend trying to integrate just the SEM without the case and power supply into another situation. The main stumbling block would be that the SEM requires regulated +/- 18 volts. is the exclusive dealer for the Tom Oberheim SEM. The links take you to their website where additional information is available. Also if you wish to pre-order an SEM, you can do that on the audioMIDI website.
    Deliveries of the SEM begin sometime in September.
    I will be updating my website ( on a regular basis. You might want to check it from time to time for additional information. I expect to have an FAQ and a short history of the SEM on the site soon.
    I appreciate you interest!
    Tom Oberheim

    So, here is my calling arround the worl : who can DIY a power-in-out bay rack to plug 1 or 2 new SEM ?


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