MATRIXSYNTH: 11hz Robot - Faux Commander

Friday, October 30, 2009

11hz Robot - Faux Commander

11hz Robot - Faux Commander from 11hzRobot on Vimeo.

"Still trying to create a drone commander sound with the micron. This time I stuck to just 2 oscillators(square and triangle), a square lfo (with speed and depth control) modulating a lowpass filter frequency cutoff, a custom slope drawn in the tracking generator used a source for the sample and hold, which is modulating the the same filter's cutoff. The sample and hold does not have any depth control, but I can activate it or bypass it. The oscillators are also run through a bandpass filter. The bandpass does not have any lfo modulation. Both filter's cutoff can also controlled manually with two of the micron rotary knobs, the third knob is used for changing the frequency of one of the oscillators.

The variety and quality of sounds that the Drone Commander can generate with just two oscillators and two lfos is amazing. These micron patches are just to hold me over till I actually get my hands on one.

Eric Archer's drone commander:"

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