MATRIXSYNTH: Access Virus TI WhiteOut Limited Edition

Friday, November 27, 2009

Access Virus TI WhiteOut Limited Edition

via Access Music

"Just in time for the Christmas season, a limited special edition of the Virus TI Desktop becomes available for a very short time. Only a hundred units have been produced all featuring a laser engraved bass plate showing the serial number. The Virus TI Desktop WhiteOut technical specifications are identical to the Virus TI2 Desktop but the unit features an all white appearance similar to the Virus TI Snow or Polar."

PDF here [mirror]

Update: Nova Musik let me know they will be getting 12 of the limited 100 units. Contact them if you are interested.


  1. Well F. I was going to get a machinedrum first.

  2. They spend more time changing the color and packaging of their synths than any useful improvements.

  3. There´s the full 61-key whiteout available as of now... (limited edition of 150 units)


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