MATRIXSYNTH: Baldwin Fun Machine Organ and Rythm Machine

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Baldwin Fun Machine Organ and Rythm Machine

via this auction

Don't miss the videos below.

"vintage 1970's ANALOG BALDWIN FUNMACHINE ORGAN (Model 121F) Synthesizer Piano Keyboard!!!

This is the Organ that put the Optigan out of Business!" ??

"It is all analog, its reliable, high fidelity sound, and better than the Optigan in my opinion since there are NO discs required, so YOU DON'T have to run around like a DUMMY on eBay or antique shops looking for a Disc to make it work! This is the machine that put Optigan out of business!!! It is a FUN MACHINE!!!

It has one hand rhythm section on left with major minor chords for EVERY NOTE unlike Optigan. It has a drum machine, with some pretty cool beats that you can blend into each other and control the speed. The keyboard section has all the different sounds you can switch off for the lead without having to swap records like the Optigan. It is about the same size and weight as an Optigan."

Update: according to someone in the comments below this might actually be a Model 140.

youTube via greygue

"This is more of the Baldwin Fun Machine, a single manual home organ from the 1970s, not to be confused with NZ experimental musicians, who do use a Baldwin Fun Machine."


perfect day baldwin fun machine

YouTube via enigma2118

"Just trying to squirt out a little Lou Reed on the Baldwin Fun Machine."

Baldwin Fun Machine

"Just bought this Baldwin Fun Machine. It is the Fun F*#@ing Machine!"


  1. Well seems there are 2 different versions of this organ!I want the cool synth version with all wood case and larger keyboards!I like so many have the cheaper smaller 1960s version with round buttons and hammond B3 style organ keys.This organ does mix both beats and sounds as well as mix and create auto accompaniment chord sounds when you press the many round buttons.Since so many of these older units come now with very faded panel graphics,it is almost impossible to know what each button does really..Anyone have a clue or have a good pic of the control panel in mint readable condition for the rest of us to gander?

  2. hi my name is Andrew I have a 1970's Baldwin fun machine same as in pic would like to know about it I heard it was a fun toy not ment for serious playing I would like to know what it was used for and how much it might be worth please call me at 1-586-335-5260 thank u so very much

  3. I am looking to buy a Baldwin Fun Machine. Model 121F contact 586-703-1159

  4. I have a Baldwin MCO Series FunMachine. I am searching for a manual for it.

  5. I have the same exact Baldwin Fun Machine that some one gifted me and I'm wondering how much do these Baldwin Fun Machines sell for?

  6. Hi, I have this exact model of Baldwin Fun Machine that's pictured above and was wondering how much money something like this is worth?

  7. The machine in the OP auction is actually a Model 140. I just found a manual on ebay and should get it later this week. I plan on scanning the manual and offering it up free somewhere. Might take a week or two, but if anyone has suggestions where I can upload it for easy/free and available to others who'd want it, would be appreciated.

    1. I can host it for you if you want. Send it to

    2. yay! that'd be rad. thanks!


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