"I have just finished testing my new YUSYNTH module called Sequential Router (I hesitated to call it a sequential multiplexer).
It is meant to be an utilty module designed as a complement to Moog 960 like analogue sequencer.
The idea is to route the three rows of CVs from the sequencer to two outputs (e.g. to drive VCOs).
There are three CV inputs called 1,2 and 3 and two outputs A and B.
A SHIFT/CLOCK input makes it possible to step sequentially through the six rotary switches. The switches offer 9 routing selections.
The shift input receives a GATE signal from the first step of the sequencer.
The position of a switch defines the routing for the corresponding stage : for example A2-B1 means the CVs from input 2 are routed to output A
while the CVs from input 1 are routed to output B.
This makes it possible to create long and complex and intermangling sequences from three short sub-sequences.
It must be noted that I used Maxim analogue switches which provide nearly null resistance and can handle voltages
in the -15V to +15V range !!!! As such the inputs and outputs can be exchanged, that is, inputs become outputs and conversely !
Other fun, you can use it with audio signals, in such a case the outputs are the left and right channel and the inputs receive
any audio signal that you can sequence through and multiplex to the stereo channels.
Next is a short MP3 file demonstrating this module : the main sequence is 48 step long and build with three 8 steps subsequences.
Some additional effects were also layered from other modules and some nice arpeggio created with the P-SEQUENCER module
designed by Alain Coupel http://www.acoupel.com.
The full-circuit and assembly instruction should be made available on my site next week I think (I still need to trim a few component values)
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