MATRIXSYNTH: A Portrait of Eliane Radigue (2009)

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

A Portrait of Eliane Radigue (2009)

A Portrait of Eliane Radigue (2009) from Maxime Guitton on Vimeo.

"A portrait of Eliane Radigue, produced by the Austrian IMA (Institute for Media Archeology), which observes Eliane in her workspace, operating the ARP and talking about the process of composing and recording.
French audio with English subtitles, 15 minutes."
Featuring the ARP 2500. via Richard Lainhart. You might remember the trailer from this post. You can find all posts featuring Eliane Radigue here.


  1. All her pieces have a story ,yes one thats empty!

    For that kind of sound making u need no score and no 2500 either.

    This woman is pretentious as hell.

  2. I love Eilane's work...shame I paid for this dvd and it was 25mins long!

  3. She rules.
    Somax would you prefer hella trance pads to make it musical for you?

  4. I speak french, and she comes off sounding VERY pretentious. Agreed that trance pads on a modern synth is no better, but maybe a little melody here or there? Or some contrast in her "music"?

  5. God forbid anyone approach music with rigor and then attempt to articulate it!

    My money is on the knee-jerk calls of "pretentious" coming from people who have not spent any time with Eliane's music or similar... but then maybe it is not for you if your mind is so closed.

    Sorry to bitch about that.. because Eliane indeed rules and thanks for posting this.

  6. Somax there's no need to show you know nothin about music history.
    I respect you taste but let my suggest to listen to the Subrosa "anthology of noise" where you could find usefull information and a path even to understand the work on Eliane, together with Luigi & Antonio Russolo, Walter Ruttman, Pierre Schaeffer, Henri Pousseur, Gordon Mumma, Angus Maclise, Tony Conrad & John Cale, Philip Jeck, Otomo Yoshihide & Martin Tétreault, Survival Research Laboratories, Einsturzende Neubauten, Konrad Boehmer, Nam June Paik, John Cage, Sonic Youth, Edgard Varése, Iannis Xenakis, Paul D. Miller aka DJ Spooky That Subliminal Kid, Pauline Oliveros, Ryoji Ikeda etc etc

  7. Like Dreaded Platypus wrote, she is indeed sounding very pretentious (i can speak also french),a bit to much indeed if u listen to some of her 'works'.

    Anyhow nice ARP2500!

  8. Guess what, that is not pretense, regardless of language, that's the sound of years, and years of work.
    it's authentic.


    To assume that everyone perceives music the same way you do, is a hint to your overall listening sophistication.

  9. Authentic.., would call it rather an brave atempt trying to be 'original'.

  10. She seems very into her work and very aware of her self and her process. Just a genuine person. The rest of this poppycock (see above) is unnecessary shit-talking. Why can't you people just let people be without shoving them into your little hierarchies?

  11. Inability to articulate criticism beyond saying "pretentious" is lazy and pointless.

    If you can't support your argument, don't even bother. Tell me why Radigue is pretentious, otherwise step your critical game up.

  12. Learn French First,and then listen to the video,then u have your rocksolid argument!


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