MATRIXSYNTH: musique concrete: chimera bC8 synth

Monday, February 08, 2010

musique concrete: chimera bC8 synth

musique concrete: chimera bC8 synth from todd barton on Vimeo.

"A very short musique concrete piece made entirely from sounds from the Chimera bC8 micro synth/sequencer.
Only a little virtual spring reverb added accompanied by a slideshow of photos of the bC8. enjoy!

For more on the Chimera bC8 go to:"


  1. Hmmmmm...should put a disclaimer in when linking to the the Chimera site. A lot of people waiting
    for synths up to 1 1/2 years !!

  2. yeah i will second that.This guy owes countless peoples machines , he wont refund people , he wont send out some orders years old and this promo ? it does nothing but help people lose money.Chimnera are a ripoff company.I am surprised you promote them.

  3. Got mine a year ago, no problem. Chimera are like any other business. The less you hate on them the better the service is. The bc8's are soooo worth the wait. Incredible value and a massively unique sound pallette from such a small package.

  4. i have heard issues w them but i ordered a bc8 and received it within two weeks. it's a wonderful little machine and i too would promote them as i have had no issues. i'm sorry for those who have.

  5. i ordered on monday of this week, arrived by thursday.

    Cant fault them.

  6. I ordered my bc 16 two months ago. I made the mistake of waiting longer than 45 days ,now paypal refuses to help me with my transaction with Ben Fisher. He now will not answer my emails, he has not issued me a refund. I did see that he had done this sort of thing before, but I thought what the heck paypal will protect me. WRONG. Now I am in the same boat as all the rest. I am unemployed and have tons of free time on my hands. I will now make this my crusade and be sure that every way I can, I will make as many aware as possible about this guys crooked ways. DONT BUY FROM THIS GUY!!!!!!


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