MATRIXSYNTH: KORG M50 in Custom Case Minus Keys

Monday, March 08, 2010

KORG M50 in Custom Case Minus Keys

via this auction
"This item came to us with an unusable,busted up keybed & chassis ...
apparently something very heavy fell on the keyboard section and completely destroyed the keybed rendering it useless & unrepairable, the actual synth was completely untouched and looks like new!
so to avoid discarding a great sounding synth, we at Purplelover's saved the synth section of this M50 by removing the busted up parts, revamped its package and housed it in a very cool free standing pine box.
and as you can see, the "fix" didn't come out half bad!
the synth is now living its life as a "sort of a "tabletop module, with all the features and function the M50 has to offer (except the keyboard of course) & it sounds awesome

just midi into your favorite keyboard,synth or controller
everything works perfectly and as it should !

upgraded to latest version OS 1.10 and includes 512MB SD card..."

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