MATRIXSYNTH: Patch Editor - New Hardware Controller

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Patch Editor - New Hardware Controller

"The Patch Editor has been designed for easy 'live' use with many of the older keyboards with easy to use controls for every synth type. Every active control will light up to make fast changes simple and buttons are colour coded depending which state is active. Each control that is changed will identify itself on the display much as the Roland PG-1000 does.

There was a stage when most of the keyboards manufactures went thought a process of removing all the knobs and replacing them with a parameter driven system. Anyone who has used one will know how difficult it is to use, especially live. When the complaints started arriving some started making plug in patch editors. The problem with these is they only worked on one type of keyboard and were (and still are) expensive and rare. The 'Patch Editor' can be used in place of a PG-200 (with an easily made cable), PG-300, PG-800 and MPG-80 as well as handle midi control of midi and sysex capable keyboards. It includes an internet update system for software changes or new keyboards support, and includes an external input that can be mapped to any continuous control and all the active controls light up to make it easy to use. Currently it is supporting Korg DW6000 & DW-8000, Roland JX-3P, 8P, MKS-70 & MKS-80 and Juno 1. More synths will be added as I can get samples to test and an idea of what models would be useful to players. The Atmel CPU has a lot of space for adding more synth types."

See Painting With Sound for more details.


  1. I wonder if this could be made to work with a DX7?

  2. I love the idea. If they make it compatible with Oberheim Matrix6, Alesis Micron, Crumar Bit01 and perhaps Roland JV-1080, I'll buy one for sure!

  3. Yes the 1080 would be amazing


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