MATRIXSYNTH: Radikal Technologies Accelerator Feature Update

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Radikal Technologies Accelerator Feature Update

via Ancient Eyeball Recipe on the AH list:

This, from joerg on the spectralis forum:
"We just added some additional features to the Accelerator:

1.) Two additional audio outputs.
2.) One SPDIF output for people who want to keep everything digital
3.) We added a special chip to the USB bus that avoids any kind of groundloops caused by the USB specification.
4.) We added a second expansion slot to the unit. DSP expansion can not only add new voices but also add new functionality like other sound algorithms.
5.) Added more memory so that the unit can hold at least 1000 single sounds.
6.) Performances will have independent single sound memories. So can make changes to single sounds of a performance without changing the original single sounds.
7.) Oscillator PM can be controlled via velocity already. That allows for nice dynamic playable FM sounds.

The german retail is 1998.- Euro

The US price is not confirmed yet. So please don't just multiply the Euro price by the current dollar/euro rate. We try hard to get the US price under 2000.- $ as well."

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