"Friends: approaching the end of a busy month of performing, I'd like to invite you to my film and music performance at Soundscapes in Nazareth, PA, on Friday, May 21 at 8PM:
I'll be playing a set of music for Buchla 200e and Haken Continuum and one for electric guitar with laptop processing, providing live improvised soundtracks for some of my recent films.
In addition, I'd like to direct your attention to a set of high-quality downloadable MP3s from three of this month's performances - first, a set of four pieces for electric guitar, electric lapsteel, Kyma, and Macbook from my hour-long live online audio/video stream for ImprovFriday (http://improvfriday.ning.com/) from May 7:
Richard Lainhart ImprovFriday 5-7-10 by rlainhart
Next, a half-hour program of music for Buchla 200e and Haken Continuum from a performance on May 10 at LMAKprojects gallery in Manhattan (http://www.lmakprojects.com/projects?id=52):
Lainhart@LMAKseries 5-10-10 by rlainhart
Finally, a relatively short improvisation for Buchla/Continuum from the Pocono Skies electo-music festival (http://poconoskies.com/) in Shawnee-on-Delaware, Pennsylvania, on May 15:
Richard Lainhart @ Pocono Skies 5-15-10 by rlainhart
I hope you enjoy the tracks, and to see you at Soundscapes. Thanks!"

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