MATRIXSYNTH: 'The Vintage Synth - Volume 3: Korg' 1-11

Wednesday, June 02, 2010

'The Vintage Synth - Volume 3: Korg' 1-11

YouTube via baward — November 24, 2009 —

"Rare, Japanese-language video from some time in the 1990's, taking the viewer on an odyssey through Korg's many instruments, from Korg's synthesizer museum at its Tokyo headquarters.

Two other videos were produced in this series, 'The Vintage Synth - Volume 1: Moog and 'The Vintage Synth - Volume 2: Roland'"

Part 1: "This clip features an interview with Korg's co-founder Tsutomu Kato and footage of the rare DA-20 Doncamatic drum machine (1963) and an early appearance of Korg's famous 'Traveler' filter control - on an organ! (late 1960's.) More to follow."

Part 2: "This clip features the Korgue organ from 1968, as well as Korg's first synthesizer, the Mini Korg 700 from 1973 (here shown in its expanded 2 oscillator version, 1974's Mini Korg 700S.)"

Part 3: "This clip features the Synthesizer 800DV (1974), Synthesizer 770 (1975), and the PE-1000 (1976)."

Part 4: "This clip features the polyphonic, patchable, part-modular and extremely rare PS-3300 (1978)."

Part 5: "This clip features part one of the MS series (1978-79), focussing on the wall-mounted 'education' MS-20 as well as some other early analogue products."

Part 6: "This clip features the MS-20 and MS-50 synthesizers, VC-10 vocoder and SQ-10 analog sequencer (1978-79) in more detail."

Part 7: "This clip features the Delta strings synthesizer, Trident polyphonic synthesizer, and BX-3 analogue organ (1980-81)."

Part 8: "This clip features the first part of an in-depth look at the Polysix synthesizer from 1981."

Part 9: "This clip features the second part of the Polysix synthesizer feature and the one on the Mono/Poly."

Part 10: "This clip features the Poly-800II and the DW-8000 (1985)"

Part 11: "Computer-control of MS instruments (or is it the 05R module?) with 700S, original Korg Wavedrum, as well series conclusion."

Note the giant educational MS20 in the background of the first video. It is functional. Click here for all posts featuring it including pics and one other video.

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