MATRIXSYNTH: Hemisphere Games Osmos for the iPad Now Available

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Hemisphere Games Osmos for the iPad Now Available

I have a copy and I have to say it is quite magical. Both the audio and the visuals are mesmerizing. Note this is not a synthesizer. Ambient tracks play in the background as you propel your "mote" through various levels. This is one beautifully addictive game. If you have an iPad, this is a no brainer, just get it.

iPads on Ebay

Update: If you do not have or plan to get an iPad you can find Osmos for the PC, Mac and Linux here. I should also note Mat Jarvis, one of the people behind Osmos also brought us Gas 0095 featured in a number of posts here.


  1. totally agree!! snagged it on release day. very immersive environment and soothing to the soul. great game play and so fluid. looks and sounds phenomenal!!!

  2. I have the Mac version of this and it's an amazing game. Well worth it.


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