MATRIXSYNTH: Synth-Project OP-X Hardware Controller

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Synth-Project OP-X Hardware Controller

That is not a render. It's a hardware controller for the OP-X, virtual Oberheim OB-X soft synth. The controller was made by who also brought us the OSCar and Pure-MCone controllers. Click here for more posts featuring the two including video. Click here for more pics of the OP-X hardware controller on

1 comment:

  1. Wow - these things are truly hideous to look at. The OSCar one looked bad enough, but this one is just laughable.

    If you're going to make a "replica" controller, at least get the majority of the look correct - this is just a halfway job on some monstrosity that obviously took some time to produce.

    49 keys (at this huge size - why not go on and have 61?), joystick instead of wheels, ugly name font done with terrible placement/spacing/kerning (I'm a creative director/designer) - ugh.

    At this size, does the frikkin' thing better contain the PC running the app too.


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