MATRIXSYNTH: Ultimate Classic Moog Album Collection and Some Others

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Ultimate Classic Moog Album Collection and Some Others

via these auctions

"Plugged In, Switched On! the MOOG synthesizer is featured this week. Check them all out: 26 different Moog LPs - Playing Bacharach, Playing the Beatles, Playing ABBA, playing Popcorn, Playing Bach, playing Country and Western, and always striving to "improve" on the classics. Some are pretty common, others are pretty rare, but all the epitome of good taste and artistic enlightenment such as MOOG LPs of the 70s came to represent.

"The Synthesizer Sound Machine - The Fantastic Pikes
Its incredible that all that sound comes from a machine!
That lass is rich with popcorn, and coincidentally, the song "Popcorn" features. No self respecting Moog album should be without a version of that wondorous tune.......
SONIC 9044 (Astor Goldengroove series)"

"The MOOG Strikes Bach - Hans Wurman - 1969
Stand back as a switched-on anonymous nerd plugs-in the bewigged old masters
Thank Gott for electronic reworkings of classical favourites"

"Moog and Guitars play Abba
Australian record from maestro Robin Workman and his team 20 tracks
TEE VEE Records. TEE-VEE4"

"Nashville Gold Switched On Moog - Gil Trythall
We have Gil to thank for making country music accessible to the plugged-in generation. Bid on this and while you're at it, bid on Gil's equally awesome "Country Moog Switched On Nashville" also listed
Universal Summit SRA 250144"

"Country Moog Switched On Nashville Gil Trythall
We have Gil to thank for making country music accessible to the plugged-in generation. Bid on this and while you're at it, bid on Gil's equally awesome "Nashville Gold" also listed
SUMMIT SRA250.096"

"Spaced Out Disco -Galactic Force Band
Its disco, only more spaced out and with more Galactic Force

"MOOG Plays Switched On Bacharach - Dave Mullaney
MFP 5910
At last, someone has had the foresight to switch-on Bacharach, and not a moment too soon. Some unbelievably inappropriate treatments of Bert's best, an album well known to crackpots the world over."

"Apollo 100 - Reach for the sky
In reality its only a little bit Moogy, but still fairly switched-on and plugged-in and slightly spaced-out..
English recording, Australian pressing. Endeavour END 002"

"Galactic Classics - VC People AKA Klaus Netzle
Truly eccentric reworkings of the classics. Klaus also sings along with such songs as "I'm a Turk, I'm a Turk, I'm a Turk, Turk Turk"(Mozart), - a not altogether accurate statement as he was born in Germany 81 years ago"

Australian record made under Moog Maestro Robin Workman
TEE VEE Records. TEE-VEE2"

"The many moogs of Killer Watts
Golden Hour GH578
Some say that Killer Watts was an alias, but there is no firm proof. Some say that he only had one Moog and was prone to exaggeration, but this is also unproven. What is undisputed is Killer's unfailing efforts to show off the versatility of his tool."

"Wheels - Tommy Seebach with his magic MOOG
DRUM 8175
SOEX 10283
- What can be said about this record other than "greatest record in the galaxy" Its called Wheels, Its got wheels on the cover, one of the tracks is "wheels" and it's wheely good."

"Everything you always wanted to hear on the MOOG but were afraid to ask - The Mighty Moog Semi-Conducted by Andrew Kazdin and Thomas Z Shepard
CBS Masterworks SBR 235452"

"Moog Plays The Beatles Marty Gold
Who do you turn to for startling sound excitement and Beatles hits?
Marty Gold of course. At one point in history, this record graced every discerning record collection. Statistics show that every household in Melbourne had at least one copy. But since the mass incineration of thousands of copies in the early 80s, they are now endangered.
Universal Summit SRA 250055"

"Moog Machine - Switched-on Rock
CBS SBP233730"

"Stolen Goods - The Outrageous Dr Teleny's Incredible Plugged In Orchestra RCA Quadradisc ARD1-0051
Ken Howard and Alan Blaikley 1972
A science degree is essential for mastering the Moog Synthesizer, and Doctor Teleny proves that his expensive education was all worth while as he plugs in more tunes he has swiped from real composers."

"Baker Street Philharmonic - By the light of the Moon
Calendar SR66-9796 (NSPL-28131) Australian Pressing
The sultry and slightly experimental Baker Street Philharmonic with ever-so-tasteful Moog insertions, along with 18 ocarinas and 10 euphoniums"

"Je Taime Moi Non Plus - Baker Street Philharmonic with the Moog...
My Moog is in the mood for love. Marvel as Baker Street Philharmonic do a Serge Gainsbourg etc...
Universal Summit SRA250252"

"Kurt Riemann "Electronic Nightworks" 1983
Includes his synthetic version of Ravels Bolero - only 3 years in the making!?! Back cover shows Kurt concentrating! Serious stuff. Endorsed by Wendy Carlos as one of the greatest records ever.

"Yamaha Superstar Koichi Oki
Not exactly Moog as such..... but....One of those records......One of those records that everyone should own.
Universal Summit SRA 250099"

"Popcorn - Electric Coconut - Switched on MOOG
Hot Butter's version of Popcorn left you craving for more? Why not try Australia's own Electric Coconut's version?
AXIS 6060"

"Popcorn - Hot Butter
Interfusion ITFL 34673
A well known piece of 1972 electro rinky-dink from Hot Butter, with plenty of good humour and silliness. Australian pressing"

"Switched-On Moog - Gershon Kingsley with Leonid Hambro on keyboards
Gershon Kingsley is a bit of a legend, first with his cut-up experimental pre-Moog albums of the 60s with colaborator Perrey, and then for his subsequent electronic albums such as this.
AVCO Embassy - AVL34736"

"Wendy Carlos and the Well Tempered Synthesizer
CBS Masterworks SBR 235351
It was Wendy who introduced the idea of using the Synthesizer for the purposes of creating a Baroque revival, by giving Johan Sebastian Bach a good Plugging-in and Switching-on."

"Switched On Bach 11 - Wendy Carlos 1973
CBS Masterworks SBR 235628
Switched On Bach 1 sold so many copies that it was only natural that the world begged Wendy to give us Switched on Bach 2, which more or less switches on Bach twice the amount. Alas, despite these statistics, SOB2 was never as popular and is much harder to find than its ubiquitous predecessor. Back cover blurb my Robert A Moog."

"If you have ever wondered who to credit/blame for the whole Moog-versions-of-well-known-classics LP phenomenon, then blame this:
Switched On Bach by Wendy Carlos, the first of its kind, so I believe.
Sold in huge quantities as the world clamoured to hear Bach with Bleeps and Blurps.
CBS Masterworks SBR 235297"

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