MATRIXSYNTH: KORG M01 - M1 Workstation for the Nintendo DS

Monday, August 30, 2010

KORG M01 - M1 Workstation for the Nintendo DS

YouTube via DETUNEltd | August 28, 2010

"'KORG M01' is a palm-sized Music Workstation for
Nintendo DS! You can make a wide variety of music with 8 tracks sequencer and more than 300 sounds including the legendary Korg's M1 sounds. Anyone can generate musical notes, chords, and drums by Touch control screen without music knowledge.
ニンテンドーDSで実現する「手のひらの中のミュージック・ワークステーション」。KORG DS-10開発スタッフとコルグ社が再び集結。あの銘器、KORG M1をモデルに、誰でも・いつでも・どこでも曲作りを楽しむことができるシンセサイザー+シーケンサーがついに登場!"

Nintendo DS on Ebay - refine search on left when you get there.
Update via MrLonghair in the comments: DSi and DSiXL prices are expected to drop by $20 in September. Confirmed on Gizmodo here.

flickr by Jet Daisuke


  1. I assume this has to only work with the DS+ or wahtever the newest DS is. Here's a little more info:

  2. I pray this and DS10 will be compatible with the upcoming 3DS. Maybe Roland will make a showing next.

  3. Gotta add that DSi and DSi XL price cuts are coming later in September, both drop by $20, and some say the extra cash the XL costs is worth it due to the lager and better screens and the pre-loaded software.

  4. According to Detune's blog, it'll be ¥5083, or about $60US... It'll probably be a little cheaper if/when it hits the US. I hope so, 'cause I think they did a great job w/ the DS-10 (and this interface certainly looks similar).


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