MATRIXSYNTH: Vince Clarke Analogue Monologues

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Vince Clarke Analogue Monologues

Looks like Vince Clarke will be showcasing videos of synths. You can find the first one on the Sequential Circuits Pro-One here.

"The Analogue Monologues is a new series of mini video documentaries. In each webisode Vince talks about one his analogue synths and explains where the on/off switch is. This series proves, once and for all, that he really doesn't know much about anything (a must see!)."


  1. I didn't know the Pro-One has a Sine Wave! Mine has a Triangle Wave =o]

  2. I caught the 'sine wave' mistake also. Still, no doubt, the man loves that synth. I can't wait to see more of these vlogs.

  3. Well, the filter can of course self-oscillate, creating a sine wave, but that I would refer to as the third oscillator.

    This i a piece of gear I will _never_ sell...


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