MATRIXSYNTH: Aalto Softsynth from Madrona Labs

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Aalto Softsynth from Madrona Labs

"Aalto, a new semi-modular software synthesizer with an innovative, patchable UI, distinctive sounds, and a charming personality, will be available from Madrona Labs on Monday, September 13, 2010.

Aalto's sound engine lets you create sounds that have been difficult or impossible to make with softsynths before now. At its heart is a complex oscillator, with FM, timbre and waveshape controls that enable a wide range of expressive sounds. Each voice also includes a lowpass gate, patchable waveguide / delay and a multimode filter.

Aalto is designed as much for sequencing patterns as for playing individual notes. Each voice has a separate, built-in sequencer with a patchable, independently controllable rate and offset that make it easy to achieve evolving, chaotic textures.

Aalto has a streamlined UI that lets you make complex patches quickly and easily. The two-dimensional, nostalgia-free interface has intuitive signal dials that let you view the parameters you are adjusting. Every control in Aalto is always right on the screen, one click away.

The full version of Aalto is available now in Audio Units format for Mac OS. The purchase price of $99 includes a license for all future formats and platforms as they are released. Mac and Windows VST versions are planned for fall 2010.

Every buyer of Aalto will receive a $99 discount on the forthcoming Soundplane instrument from Madrona Labs. For more information on Madrona Labs and the Soundplane, visit our web site at

AU version system requirements: Mac OS 10.4 or higher. 1.6GHz Intel Core Duo processor or better.

About Madrona Labs:

Madrona Labs makes hardware and software for computer music. The company was founded in 2009 by Randy Jones, who has been writing and shipping software tools for creative expression since 1998. Randy Jones and his colleagues are driven to create electronic instruments that can be at least as expressive as acoustic ones. The upcoming Soundplane controller is a touch-sensitive surface for intimate control of electronic music. More information is available on the website at"


  1. I love the description "nostalgia-free interface." That alone makes me want to give them my money. The synth seems intriguing, too!

  2. can't wait! this thing sounds killer and the GUI looks great and i love the "nostalgia free" part.

  3. I've been beta testing it and I can honestly say it's just fun fun fun and joyous creative bliss to patch and play with Aalto.

    I love it.

    I recommend it.

  4. been noodling w/the demo for a bit and i'm really impressed and it is fun fun fun.. so rad sounding and the ui is genius


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