MATRIXSYNTH: New Moog Voyager XL

Wednesday, September 08, 2010

New Moog Voyager XL

The all new Moog Voyager XL is coming.

Click the image for the full size shot. Don't miss the ribbon controller on the keyboard.


Nothing on the Moog site yet.

Update: New larger pics here. Direct links below. I forgot Blogger shrinks your pics. :) Again, don't miss the ribbon controller. Note the circle on the left and right ends, and the directional arrows in the middle.


The display reads "Here it Comes." Indeed...


  1. Sexy beast... can't be April Fool. And what price will be in euros? 4-4,5k?

  2. Hail Photoshop Hail! (I'd love to see a new Voyager model which has some UI features similar to those on the Little Phatty / Taurus 3, though... or a new MEMORYMOOG?)

  3. I'll call fake, too. Hey, 3 different Andrews can't be wrong!

  4. PS. The CV expanders included as a patch matrix would be great. But where are the lighted pitch&mod wheels? ;-)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. On what evidence is this real? it seems way to good to be true, even at $5k.

  7. If they scratched out the xy pad and gave it 4 voice polyphony this wouldnt be so ridiculous

  8. I say it's real. Real or very good PS, which is rarer then you think. It's real and it's gonna be the greatest thing since iced tea in your vodka.

  9. Looks real to me. All the perspective and reflections. And why should the modulation wheels be glowing if the pots arent?

  10. No info on moog music but if it's true, I'd love to buy!!

  11. aaaahhh That is awesome!

  12. Amos from Moog has confirmed on the gearslutz forum that this is real. official announce date was supposed to be sept 15th, but apparently novamusik leaked the listing by accident.

  13. i feel is real, specially now that the little phatty redback edition sports the CV output section. it might be a new direction for moog synths.

  14. Why does the Matrixsynth logo has to be on the picture? We're all here reading this post anyway.

  15. PPS. Now that it IS apparently real, I'd rather have seen a Electric Blue / Select Series model blown up like this than the older Performer model, especially for the lighted pots and wheels. Also, I think the ribbon controller should be moved a little bit to the right hand side so it doesn't infere with the CV knobs of the patch module. Most of all, I miss something like a big preset / parameter knob in the programming section. IMHO, the Little Phatty is much more ergonomic than the Voyager when it comes to changing presets. And the encoders of the LP are so much better to make sound changes on the fly; they could have extended that concept to ALL knobs on a new Voyager without sacrificing the Minimoog-based knob layout... Generally speaking, WHY is Moog so reluctant to improve their products once in a while? Why don't they make bigger leaps forward and go for a more drastic design change? I thought their products are selling well; there's such a huge fanbase out there...
    Anyways, still looks like an awesome machine: I WANT ONE!!!!

  16. Not another Voyager! Come on Moog... move on (don't see the point of a 5 octave monosynth!). If this was polyphonic then that would Rock... this would really be an update to the memorymoog but if you already have the breakout boxes (251 /351) then you are not getting anything new here... other then a huge unwieldy mono... I just don't get it?

    Amos, Cyril, we either need more smaller/cheaper synths that have different feature sets (like the Rogue/Prodigy was different to the multimoog) or we need a polysynth... even a 4 note poly moog at this stage!

    Just my 2 cents.


  17. I second you, Mal. My first thought was exactly that- 'Unweildy,' quickly followed by '5-octave mono what?' and then 'how is this different, exactly?'

    Polysynths bore me, so I guess I'd vote for your suggestion of smaller/cheaper/DIFFERENT. Even the Phatty, which scores on the first two, fails at the third.

    I understand their respect for the history, and I think they've done a great job of keeping the Mini alive as an Instrument... but they can kill both birds by bringing out something that comes from the SonicVI/Crumar Spirit 'goofy-signal-path' angle- doing so, they'd be offering something unique.

  18. It's beautiful.
    I think I just came.

  19. fear not, smaller things (and different things) are coming too. Just have to be patient. This was a quick idea to pay a bit of homage to the Minimoog, which turns 40 this year. Before you ask, no we didn't have time to do an exact replica Minimoog in tribute to the 40th anniversary of the Mini. That would have been awesome but we did not have the time and resources to do it. Cheers!

  20. Captain my Captain, that sounds awesome! Looking forward to the new goodies...

  21. Actually, the point of it is to give a "controller" that players can use onstage - large enough to play some piano and string parts on other modules. Without having to redesign the whole synth (which takes years) so it is a Voyager with extended keyboard, patching, and ribbon. A simple concept to allow people to use the Voyager live and save bringing another controller onstage for their laptop/rack/etc. I love it and I'm in line to buy one already.


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