MATRIXSYNTH: New Novation UltraNova Hardware Synth - Official Promo Video

Wednesday, September 08, 2010

New Novation UltraNova Hardware Synth - Official Promo Video

YouTube via NovationTV | September 07, 2010

"UltraNova is a 'Nova' series analogue-modelling synthesizer with a powerful effects processor. It is a single-part synth taking the legendary Supernova II synth engine as a starting point and packing it with the latest technology. It now has brand new features including wavetable synthesis, even more powerful filters, a software editor and a revolutionary new touch-sense performance mode."

"UltraNova is a ‘Nova’ series analogue-modelling synthesizer with a powerful effects processor. It is a single-part synth taking the legendary Supernova II synth engine as a starting point and packing it with the latest technology. It now has brand new features including wavetable synthesis, even more powerful filters, a software editor and a revolutionary new touch-sense performance mode. The 'Nova' family was born in 1998 with the Supernova, which was the first of a series of powerful synthesisers. These quickly became industry standard 'big-synths' which are still used by countless artists and sound designers. UltraNova is the latest addition to the family bringing the range right up to date with a host of new features and a more affordable price tag." via Matjko

Update: more videos below

UltraNova: Patch-browse 
YouTube via NovationTV | September 08, 2010

"UltraNova comes with 300 onboard sounds that you can select by type (bass, lead, pad, etc) and musical genre (hip hop, rock, house, etc), so performers and gigging musicians can get started straight away."

UltraNova: The synth engine NovationTV | September 08, 2010 - Re-posted Sept 9

"UltraNova is seriously powerful yet easy to use - and it comes with a software editor. Its powerful synth engine derived from a classic big-synth: the Supernova II."

UltraNova: Animate & Touch-sense performance NovationTV | September 08, 2010

"Awesome new performance feature enables you to re-shape & effect sound on the fly. Shaping and exploring sounds with encoders and buttons is a massive part of being creative with synths. UltraNova has evolved the idea of hands-on sound-shaping, allowing you to get deeper and more creative physical control of the synth engine."

UltraNova: Inputs & Outputs NovationTV | September 08, 2010

"UltraNova is a 2 in 4 out USB-Audio interface and a SPDIF out."

UltraNova: Creating the Chuckie Sound Pack NovationTV | September 08, 2010

"We invited Chuckie, Fabian and Silvio to check out the new Novation UltraNova. They set about building a sound pack that will be released later this year."


  1. mono-timbral is a bit surprising...

  2. Looks interesting, but lame video.

  3. Woo hoo! I love the Jupiter-ish sound of the Nova/Supernova engine, and I've wanted wavetables to go with it for years. It's too bad that it lacks other signature Novation features: multitimbral effects and sliders for envelopes. I may not be able to resist, but if a 5-octave multitimbral version were made, I know I'd be unable to resist.

  4. Ugh. I was somewhat intrigued until I saw a goose neck microphone. Target audience: "ZOMG MOM, look, I maked the trance!" 16 year old who wants to go legit after stealing a copy of fruity and ableton. Fail, novation.

  5. Correct, because that's what Korg was going for with the VC-10 right? Or Quasimidi with the Sirius?

    Anyway, i wonder what the encoders are like. Detented or smooth. Hopefully smooth.

  6. PURE conjecture, but wanna bet that this was created by the same Chinese design house that did the Ion/Micron/Miniak, and that Novation is just the company name to sell the design under.
    Synths are now just like studio monitor design/marketing. I just hope they make them out of quality parts.

  7. Is it just me or do the Novation synths keep get uglier and uglier? they sound great but I miss the look of the old Nova desktop.

  8. @klockwerk:

    Alesis developed the Ion/Micron entirely themselves; they had nothing to do with a Chinese design house.

    The Miniak is the same engine as the Micron but rebranded under Akai. The same dude owns Akai/Alesis/Numark.

    Neither Novation nor the Chinese have anything to do with those synths.


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