MATRIXSYNTH: StudioHD for the iPad

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

StudioHD for the iPad


YouTube via soundtrends | September 23, 2010

"This video gives a quick overview of our multitrack audio app for the iPad, "studio.HD". Great for songwriters, producers and musicians, it features:

- 8 tracks, with multiple layers per track for 24 total tracks of audio playback
- Tempo conforms automatically to BPM changes
- Easy zooming and auto-zoom to arrangement
- Mixing and effects (Low/Hi Pass Filter, Flanger, Delay and Bitcrusher)
- Recording with overdubbing
- Loop Library with in-arrangement audition/preview
- Editing (Cut/Copy/Paste) and Loop/Repeat
- Mix down and Export to Mac/PC"
iPads on Ebay
iPads on Amazon

BeatMakerTV - iPad StudioHD Demo Part 1

YouTube via BeatMakerTV | October 04, 2010

"Action Speaks Louder than Words. Messing around with some loops and effects in StudioHD.
Load up .AiFF or .CAF files and get to Mixing. You can Record Vocals without a MIC (I used the Built-in Mic) on your Track and whatever else you can think of. I don't Rap but managed to make a song with a Hook and Verse without a mic. This is a great Scratch Pad for you MC's and Producers. When I make Beats I usually know how I want the hook, so this is a good way for me to jot it down on the fly. Get Creative, Use what you got and Have Fun!
Holler @ me if You got Questions.
More Videos Coming Soon. I'm bout to get back on my MPC WAVE in a minute, so be on the look out!"

BeatMakerTV - iPad StudioHD Demo Part 2 (Recording)

BeatMakerTV | October 04, 2010

"Showing you How easy it is to record with StudioHD. I recorded a loop I made on DrumTrack8. Just make sure the BPM's match and your good to go. You can do the same thing with your Vocals.

Stay Tuned for some new MPC Videos on the way. Follow Ya Boi on Twitter @BeatMakerTV
"Its not about what equipment you got, its what you do with what you have"!"

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