MATRIXSYNTH: Synthesizertreffen München 2010

Monday, October 18, 2010

Synthesizertreffen München 2010

YouTube via SCHAAFJOERG | October 17, 2010 - Vid replaced with HD version October 18, 2010

GRP at :27. New Melltron interface at 1:40. Dieter Doepfer at 1:16, John Bowen and the Solaris at 2:10, and tons more of course. Music and video by Joerg Schaaf of Radikal Technologies performed on a Spectralis 2.
"Am 16/17 Oktober 2010 fand das Synthesizertreffen erstmalig in München statt. Florian Anwander, Theo Bloderer sowie Martin und Stefan vom Musikhaus Hieber Lindberg in München haben das möglich gemacht!"

"On 16/17 October 2010, the synthesizer meeting was first held in Munich. Florian Anwar, Theo, and Martin and Stefan from Bloderer Musikhaus Hieber Lindberg Munich have made this possible!"

Update: some pics of the event are up on Aliens Project here.

Pictured: synthfrau and her leopard skin mini and modular.

Update: videos and links to pics via Moogulator of

Synthesizer Treffen München 2010 Part 1 von 2

YouTube via Moogulator | October 18, 2010

"Synthesizer Meeting Munich 2010,

not too many noises in here, just gear watching. es gibt hier nicht zu viel zu hören, eher zu sehen."

Synthesizertreffen München 2010 Part 2 von 2


  1. Damn! Why didn't anybody tell me about this event? :(

  2. Hi moinsound,

    I announced it late July on the Analogue Heaven mail list.



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