YouTube via onereddogmedia | November 07, 2010 | 0 likes, 0 dislikes
"The drum machine reinvented.
Molten Drum Machine is a powerful and intuitive tool for creating percussive sounds and rhythm sequences. What makes it unique is its approach to grid based pattern sequencing that divides time to instantly add tuplets and fills to your drum programming. Unleash the potential of your beats on the iPad.
More info at:"

A revolutionary new drum machine app for beats that are way too hot to handle available 24 November 2010
Molten Drum Machine is a powerful and intuitive tool for creating percussive sounds and rhythm sequences. What makes it unique is its approach to grid based pattern sequencing that divides time to instantly add tuplets and fills to your drum programming. Unleash the potential of your beats on the iPad.
Molten is designed to be a flexible pattern based rhythm step-sequencer. Unlike traditional step-sequencers that have a fixed step size of typically 16 or 32 steps, Molten has a dividable step size. This flexibility allows for the easy creation of tuplet-based rhythms.

Key features at a glance
· Easily and quickly create rhythms with complex time signatures
· Intuitively divide a note into tuplets
· Each pattern has eight instrument tracks
· Each instrument track has its own effects processor which can be tweaked in real-time
· Global master effects processor including delay, reverb, EQ and compressor
· Sample based synthesis with user loadable samples
· Share your pattern compositions as audio or MIDI files or transfer patterns between Molten users
Molten Drum Machine, is available via the App store for a red hot introductory price of USD $9.99 for a limited time only. It’s time to step out from the crowd and move to the sound of your own original beat.
Like what you hear and want to know more?
View Molten in action via YouTube http:/// [embedded above]
Download the Molten user manual at

One Red Dog Media is an innovative, Melbourne based game, application and software developer. One Red Dog Media is led by Peter Johnson a software engineer and part-time musician who grew up in the UK games industry and like a lot of Brits, followed the sunshine to Australia to establish an independent media company in Melbourne."
Molten Drum Machine on iTunes
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