MATRIXSYNTH: S1 MIDI Trigger Ver 3.2 プロモーションビデオ

Sunday, November 07, 2010

S1 MIDI Trigger Ver 3.2 プロモーションビデオ

YouTube via bebinico | November 07, 2010 -
Update: The video is pretty self explanatory, but I added the new English version below.
No knobs, no problem. Direct control of your synths with the iPad. USB support with the Camera Connection kit is coming (see this related post). And of course direct iPad to synth via the Line 6 MIDI Mobilizer. You can create your own layouts with this and it's only $2.99. This is pretty amazing when you think about it. The only other option is TouchOSC and OSCulator which runs $19 to $39 depending on how much you want to pay, and they require a computer to run between the iPad and your gear. Note there are obviously some differences between the two, so do your research, but we now have customizable controllers for our synths. Currently the two only support MIDI CC, but Sysex is coming. The iPad will bring new life to cryptic synths. This is going to open up a whole new world in rediscovering menu based synths. I can't wait to unlock the Yamaha FS1R for example.

"S1 MIDI Triggerの最新バージョンです。
iPad / iPhone用のMIDIコントローラとして動作します。

iOS 4.2に対応し、Camera Connection Kitでの接続も可能になっています。

""S1 MIDI Trigger is the latest version.
iPad / iPhone for work as a MIDI controller.

iOS 4.2 support, Camera Connection Kit has become possible connection.
(However ※, AppStore, so at the moment is waiting approval, please wait) "

Miura Acoustic

iPads on eBay
iPads on Amazon

iPod Touch on eBay
iPod Touch on Amazon

Line 6 MIDI Mobilizer on eBay

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