MATRIXSYNTH: Octatrack - A Machine That Makes Music?

Friday, December 17, 2010

Octatrack - A Machine That Makes Music?

YouTube via ElektronHQ | December 17, 2010 | 13 likes, 1 dislikes

"The Octatrack DPS-1 is an 8 track dynamic performance sampler. The Octatrack is ideal for radical audio processing and performance oriented sampling. Every track features real-time pitch scaling & time stretch and the next generation Elektron step sequencer has been designed with maximum usability and efficiency in mind.

Sampling Just Became A True Artform

All music in the film is made with an Octatrack.

Find out more about Octatrack at"


  1. Elektron's marketing budget at it again

    Did that guy kill the other DJ??

  2. I was just thinking the same thing; how much did they spend on this? i mean it's great and all, but i'd be happy paying a little less for these boxes and just having the dope website with a new t-shirt now & then.

    I think the idea is that he's actually the one responsible and telling the eye-witness story in 3rd person, ala Kaiser Soze. clever.

  3. Any1 hear the bladerunner reference?

  4. I vote for more Synthbabes and less body parts in garbage bags in the next release ...bleccchhhhhh

  5. I liked the Keyser Söze reference, as well as the vague Bladerunner quote ("I've heard things...")

  6. I liked it. Like to see more film advertising for increasingly absurd products like soap or toilet paper. Band-aids.

  7. There's cheese in the air.


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