Monday, December 20, 2010


YouTube via HenryLowengard | January 18, 2010 |

Tondo - Henry Lowengard
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"Tondo lets you create and manipulate audio in a new way: by painting sound on a radial sonogram. With Tondo, you can learn to create sound out of its simplest elements, and how rhythm, timbre, melody and harmony all are closely related.

This Brand Spankin' New program will put its price up on Jan 1st, 2011 so come 'n' get it!

The basic principle behind Tondo is that all sounds can be built by adding together very simple sounds (sinusoid waves) with varying frequencies and amplitudes. Tondo organizes this information in a way that is easy to manipulate, by painting with specialized tools. As you paint the sound , the corresponding audio is generated. At any point, you can save the information or the audio you have generated and export it in a number of ways.

Tondo can be used for making samples for other programs to use, rhythms and experimental explorations of sound.

You can export the information which defines the sound onto the clipboard, which you can then paste into documents, mail to friends, post on blogs

By the author of the highly praised music apps SrutiBox, Droneo, WindChimes, Lake Piano and Enumero."

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