MATRIXSYNTH: expressionPadVid.m4v

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


YouTube via rrr00bb | January 25, 2011 | 1 likes,

"ExpressionPad is what a large camp of Mugician users want Mugician to be. But here it is, and it's at the very bottom of the app store. I just learned about it, and it has existed since June! Not only is there no justice in the app store, but there is apparently no sanity either. So here is the short answer to those of you who wonder why I didn't go this route. A fair price and a modest learning curve probably wounded it, and a lack of a plan to get a player-base finished it off, no? No matter, the fact that so much junk is ahead of it says volumes of insulting things about the average iPad owner. So sad."

expressionPad - mode of expression, LLC
iPad prices on eBay

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