MATRIXSYNTH: NAMM: Teenage Engineering OP-1 Ready for Production

Friday, January 14, 2011

NAMM: Teenage Engineering OP-1 Ready for Production

"OP-1 Newsletter #3, Jan 14, 2011


Finally. After more than two years of development the OP-1 is ready for production.

Initial supply will be limited. We now accept reservations at

Order now to make sure you get an OP-1 from the first production run. Manufacturing, assembly and shipping will be eight weeks.


The OP-1 is priced at $ 799 / Euro 799 (including EC-VAT).

We have got questions about the dollar versus euro price.
The apparently higher euro price is a consequence of that we are required to add sales tax on all sales to the european union.


We are in Hall A, Booth# 6409. The NAMM Show, Anaheim convention center in California. This is the place to try out an OP-1 for yourself. The show ends on Sunday.


Invitations has been sent out to the people selected for the Beta program.

We are exited to open up the sales of the OP-1 and are looking forward to hear what music you will create with our beloved synthesizer.

Thank you for signing up for the Teenage Engineering Newsletter.

Have a nice day.

-Teenage Engineering."

Teenage Engineering @ NAMM 2011 OP-1

YouTube via DontEatWhatTheyFeed | January 14, 2011 |

"Jesper from Teenage Engineering discusses the updates and release of the OP-1"

One more video in via Luis here:

Updates: via Luis Duran @

Namm Show 2011 - Teenage Engineering

YouTube via accordoTV | January 15, 2011

via Stefan in the comments:

Teenage Engineering OP-1

YouTube via ChuckLevins | January 14, 2011 |

"Sneak peak at one of the hottest upcoming synths out there!"


Teenage Engineering Op-1 Namm 2011 by Rock oN Report

YouTube via RockoNCompany | January 16, 2011 |


  1. $799 = 600 euros.

    600 euros plus 33% vat = 799 euros.

    However, there is no country in europe that charges 33% vat.

    There is also no such thing as EC-VAT.

    Vat is charged from country to country in europe.

    Tennage engineering are based in Germany.

    German VAT = 19%.

    600 euros plus 19% vat = 714 euros.


  2. isn't teenage engineering based in sweden (fashionvictim capital)?

  3. Vat rate in sweden = 25%.

    600 euros + 25% vat = 750 euros.

  4. Two years later! No one cares! Lololololzors. Learn from Dave Smith. Announce your product when you have a working production unit that you can start selling a few months later. Not two years later after the buzz has completely worn off.

  5. i have to say i agree. i was initially excited about having a small battery powered instrument like this that could do a variety of interesting things, and would likely have bought one had it been released soon after being announced... then the ipad came along, and it fills that niche (and then some) for me... yes, i fully understand the benefits of well-designed, dedicated music hardware, and would buy an op-1 if it were sub $400, but at this point in time it's just not sufficiently compelling.

  6. they should've hade some more patience, I think so to. but also the functionality was a lot more exciting when it first was announced, now there's more competition. so they really messed up a bit imo, with the timing.
    the price is not too high for the complete package of the product. you're paying extra for the design of the product. which I don't mind paying extra money for myself, generally speaking. but for this product, the functionality is lacking I think in todays market.

  7. Cinema Verite, Dave Smith and Roger Linn announced the Linn drum 2 about 2 years ago! They just released it now as Tempest!

  8. + €40 shipping (from Sweden to Ireland, I could get a flight to Sweden myself for €40).

    €839 / $1123(approx) - phew... too rich for me unfortunately! There is a recession on! I'd rather save up a bit more and get a Machinedrum UW+ Mk. II personally.

    Good luck to them, I hope they have a success on their hands and that I can pick one up used in a few years!

  9. @RCON: You are right. But we didn't know it was called the Tempest.

  10. The visual interface is SO nice. I sure wish the interface on my V-Synth screen were that nice looking. Blofeld comes close (possibly better). It really nudges you into a certain creative frame of mind.

    True, this device may be lacking in utility for the price compared to what's come out in the intervening two years, and yes they kind of squandered the initial excitement, but it's still a highly desirable little design artifact.

  11. It's not lacking in utility. None of the demos on youtube are doing this device justice. It took about 30 minutes on the NAMM floor today for Daniel to really dig in deep and i bought one right there and then. The thing is amazing. Nothing else like it. It is truly an inspirational device like the machinedrum or buchla music easel, where the form, design, quality makes you just want to play with it. trust me on this, you can't possibly get an idea for what it does in a 5 minute clip. you need to see a workflow in action. if you are looking at specs and feeling the specs aren't worth the $, this wasn't the product for you in the first place...

  12. "None of the demos on youtube are doing this device justice."

    That may be part of the problem, I really hope they post some new demo vids in this case.

    what I'd want to know, is the capabilities to make an entire song on the machine. so I'd want to know more about the sequencer speqs, more specifics about the overdub tape function, polyphony limitations, multitimbre limitations.

    these are all very basic things, if you buy a synth/workstation, you want to know this info. they don't offer that at the moment. it's all very vague up till now.

    so yeah, I do understand the mechanics of creating buzz by being a bit mysterious and teasing about the functions and specs of your machine. but when it's for sale, I want to know what I'm buying.

    it's one of three things. 1: the product has some nagging limitations, that they don't want disclose as much as possible. 2: they are bad at marketing a product and just haven't put up a complete enough demo/speqsheet. 3: They've JUST finalized it and the rest of the final speqs have yet to be posted.


    another vid namm2011

  14. Its more a toy in my opinion - not really very serious... Now they gonna hate me !

  15. Sold first 500 units already! Congratulations, TE!


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