Tuesday, January 25, 2011

New Tom Oberheim SON OF 4 VOICE

"SON OF 4 VOICE's SEMs bring back vintage '70s design ... 100% discrete analog ... absolutly no custom chips.

The audio that screams from an SEM is fat, fine and funky, with a tonal variety unlike any other sound-generating device on this rock we call home. Gang up four of these monsters, and you've got sounds that're thicker than thunder.

SO4V can be used as a 4-voice polyphonic synth or as 4 individual synths under MIDI control. Two SO4Vs can be ganged together to create an 8-voice.

The Polyphonic Voice Control and Programmer section retains all the features of the original Four Voice Programmer and Keyboard control modules, while adding gotta-have-'em goodies like these:
• Two MIDI sync capable LFOs with multiple waveshapes including sample and hold per voice
•Two programmable ADSR envelope generators per voice
• Selectable master tuning (both VCOs or VCO2 only) allows easy detuning for huge unison sounds
• Polyphonic portamento with linear or exponential response
• Noise generator connected to filter input #1
• External audio or A440 tuning reference connected to filter input #2
• Updated output module with mix and pan control for each voice
• Two SO4Vs can be easily connected together - result: eight voices!

Each SO4V is equipped with a Tom Oberheim signature plate.

The Tom Oberheim SON OF 4 VOICE will bring classic audio whomp to your arsenal of sounds. There's nothing else like it anywhere.

Specifications subject to change.

SO4V availability: May 2011 / Price: $3,495. To pre-order contact Geoff Farr at 310-995-0100 or via email: geoff (at) gsfagency (dot) com

SEM-related product questions may be directed to Tom Oberheim: tom (at) tomoberheim (dot) com"


  1. Holey cow! 0_0
    What a monster! Wish I had room...and money...

  2. From a design point of view it looks like a turd but I bet it sounds amazing!

  3. add a keyboard! make it an instrument!

  4. top pastizzi!
    @oorosh, ha! not an instrument. what bollocks byo keyboard and feel the power of SEM
    @andyford, so if it looks like a turd, smells like a turd and tastes like a turd, its probably a turd. but SEM sure dont sound like a turd and it will loosen your bowels.

  5. Tom is being a really nice guy, and charging only $3495. A beast like this should sell for more like $7k in this day and age......

  6. Last year I had a problem talking to AudioMidi and Tom O about progress with the SEM since I wasn't sure he was going to continue pursuing it. Obviously everything was a success and I received a nice instrument harkening back to my youth when 4-voices were the rage. Considering his desire to retain the proven SEM design which he described as inexpensive, $3500 is about right for this machine. Retail 4x$600 SEM, leaves $1100 for the midi and case. Tom is a nice guy, though. Listening to his Red Bull speech suggested that he wasn't going back to a large scale synth. He changed his mind. Hooray!

  7. now he should make a DVD and call it THIS IS IT!

  8. All we need now is for the Oberheim Mini-Sequencer to make a comeback.

  9. This is awesome. And design-wise? It looks like... a SEM Four Voice! Exactly like it should.

    Cool stuff.


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