MATRIXSYNTH: DIY Synth Building Course at Harvestworks in NYC

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

DIY Synth Building Course at Harvestworks in NYC

via pixelform

"I'm teaching a 5-day long intensive course in synth building using CMOS chips. It's designed for entry level students with little or no electronics experience. It's hands-on and starts with a structured introduction to electronics theory, oscillators, and electronic sound, then moves quickly into a self-guided projects completed in class.

More in formation on the course can be found here:

Sign up ends this Friday, Feb 4th! Class begins on Feb 7th. If you know someone in New York who would be interested in this class, please let them know about it.

The official short description:

This 5-day intensive course is designed to be friendly to those who are just getting started in electronics and have a curiosity in making their own electronic musical instruments. Students will review the basics of electricity, identify components, learn how to read and write schematics, design and build their own custom modular synthesizers from the 4000 series of CMOS logic integrated circuits.

A student of mine from the last class held in September of 2010 put together this really amazing video"

cigar synth & spring reverb from Wake Me For Coffee on Vimeo.

"Thanks to Phil Stearns for intruducing me to the CMOS technology. Also thanks to the people at Harvestworks Digital Media Arts Center for their patience and support."

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