MATRIXSYNTH: "The Swarm" Free Noise Drone Synth

Sunday, March 20, 2011

"The Swarm" Free Noise Drone Synth

YouTube Uploaded by Resodeus on Mar 9, 2011

"It gets loud at moments, so watch your speaker volume : A demo of the new free standalone synth "The Swarm". Rather unique compared to most other free synths available (Mac too!). I really enjoy the deep tone. Inspired by Leon Dewan's "The Swarmatron". A good alternative for people who don't have several thousand dollars readily available. Obviously, this is no substitute for the real analog version but it does give the user a taste of the massive power of 8 Saws layered and detuned a bit from a central tone. Leon makes some of the most unique analog pieces around. Kontrolled by a Korg "NanoKontrol"

An impressive piece of code.

Check out :

Thanks to : for a great RSS feed."

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