MATRIXSYNTH: Electric Independence: John Foxx

Saturday, April 02, 2011

Electric Independence: John Foxx

"We went to visit John Foxx deep in the darkest depths of Shoreditch, East London, at the studio of his latest collaborator, Benge. The studio isn’t far from where Foxx’s infamous “The Garden” studio once laid (on top of multiple Roman graves no less) and it’s also the location where the duo cut Interplay, the latest album by John Foxx and the Maths.

The notoriously quiet man sat down with Jordan to wax nostalgic about Foxx’s time in Ultravox, synths (obviously) dub techniques, drinking and eccentric sex. Finally, John was kind enough to demonstrate his infamous drum machine and play us some of the patches from his highly influential first album, Metamatic."

You might recognize Benge from several posts here on MATRIXSYNTH. He runs It's Full of Stars and currently works with John Foxx.

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