MATRIXSYNTH: John Bowen Solaris Pre-Order Now Open

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

John Bowen Solaris Pre-Order Now Open


"Pre-orders for the remaining units from our first production run are open again! Price for Solaris remains at $3999.00 or equivalent in Euros (plus any VAT and shipping costs). We have a handful of units left to sell (10 or so), which will ship by end of June. The next time period for pre-ordering Solaris units will probably be for September production. (Please note that it is no longer possible to take direct pre-orders from customers residing in Germany or Austria, due to an exclusive agreement.)"

More details at the link above. The first three production units were shown at the Musikmesse. See the John Bowen label below for videos and more.

1 comment:

  1. Sad that four grand just ain't a bad price at all any more.


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