MATRIXSYNTH: Mode Machines ASID 64 in Violation of MIDIBox SID Licensing?

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Mode Machines ASID 64 in Violation of MIDIBox SID Licensing?

This one in via latigid. There is currently a thread on the MIDIBox forum discussing the new ASID64 or ASF-1 from Mode Machines shown at the Musikmesse as being in violation of the MIDIBox licensing agreement. You can see it currently listed on Touched By Sound's website for 1.495,00 € here. What's interesting is the unit first made an appearance during Winter NAMM as seen in this post but may have gone unnoticed until now.

Wilba at the forum who appears to represent MIDIBox states, "I already know about this, and I will comment more on it later."
Followed by TK: "The owner of Mode Machines replies in facebook:

'Michael Thorpe Hello - I don´t think you are getting the point here. We have not offered the unit furthermore we have only showed a possible version of it and we discussed this beforehand with the owner and designer and also are currently talking to them ...'

These statements are simply not true!

Some months ago we found a MIDIbox SID on the TBS product page. Nils contacted the company, explained the legal status (during a long phone call) and got the answer that they are not planning to sell the MIDIbox anymore. But it can still be found on their page, and now we saw it at Musikmesse as well.

'we discussed this beforehand with the owner and designer'

false, they never contacted me.

'and also are currently talking to them ...'

false, they are currently not talking to us (in distance: Nils had to pro-actively contact them some weeks ago and thought that this topic is clarified).
And I must say that I'm not interested to talk with profiteers with such attitude.
Especially since it seems that they have no experience with the MBSID hardware/software - who should support the customers?

Best Regards, Thorsten."

Followed by: "Since some months we consider to change to the TAPR Noncommercial Hardware License, which would allow everybody to build and sell up to 10 units in any 12 month period on a non-profit basis w/o need for a special permission from our side.
Without going too much into details (please open a new thread if you feel that this needs more discussion, but there will be a topic soon anyhow): this license would explicitly allow a professional or hobbyists to build and sell a MIDIbox to another user if he is only paid for his expenses (w/o profit)
It would also make it less complicated to resell a used MIDIbox, no special permission required from our side as long as the NCL isn't violated.

TBS violated the old license (no commercial use without my permission), and they would also violate the new license (e.g. by renaming the project and not mentioning the copyright holders - also the announced price of 1500 EUR somehow doesn't match with the "non-profit" term).

Btw: for the case that you are interested on a MB6582, check this fleamarket sale by Lucem:

Best Regards, Thorsten."

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