MATRIXSYNTH: Laurie Spiegel 1971

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Laurie Spiegel 1971

via Laurie Spiegel's Photos
(see link for additional details in the comments)

"The photo was taken by Stan Bratman in the apartment I had in New York for about 5 years before moving into my loft in 1971."

Electrocomp system.

Update via Spiegel's Reflections in the comments:
"A greatly expanded CD re-release of "The Expanding Universe" is in the works thanks to this excellent fairly new label

It is currently planned as a double cd with about 2 1/2 hours of music from that period all created on the BTL GROOVE system.

Due to the ongoing craziness of life it could take a few months more before it's out."

[Re-posted. This one was a casualty of the recent Blogger outage.]


  1. rare EML Electrocomp 100 (the blue paneled one)

  2. Actually (from the top) EML 300, 200 and 101, and a Revox A77 at the right.

  3. I listen to "The Expanding Universe" LP at least once a month. What a treat.

  4. A greatly expanded CD re-release of "The Expanding Universe" is in the works thanks to this excellent fairly new label

    It is currently planned as a double cd with about 2 1/2 hours of music from that period all created on the BTL GROOVE system.

    Due to the ongoing craziness of life it could take a few months more before it's out.


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