MATRIXSYNTH: Manipulant for iPad

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Manipulant for iPad

"Manipulant is a customizable wireless MIDI control surface for iPad. It takes advantage of some of iPad's best features to put all of your controls on the same surface with quick access:

- Put all of the buttons, knobs and faders in your set on a single large surface.
- Trigger multiple overlapping controls with a single touch.
- Quickly travel across your workspace using pan, zoom and rotation gestures.
- Connect to the same control surface with multiple iPads and see control actions on each one in real time.
- Host multiple control surfaces on the same computer and connect a different iPad to each one.

Additional Requirements:
- Intel Mac running OS X 10.5/10.6 or PC running Windows XP/Vista/7
- The free Manipulant Base application for designing and broadcasting control surfaces. Download from:
- A MIDI loopback device. See the User's Guide in Manipulant Base for more information.

Please note: Your iPad and host Mac or PC must be on the same local wireless network to establish a connection in Manipulant."

Manipulant - Utku Uzmen
iPads on eBay

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